Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tinkered Just A Little Too Long

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP"Just one more thing".
I had wanted the capability to post shorter posts along with the featured posts of the day. I know there is a way to do this because I have seen it. And I kept working on getting that one more thing done until I discovered that I had used the wrong process for changing templates (the look of the site). I thought this might explain some nagging problems that occur but take less than 30 seconds to fix. I also found a template more consistent with the background we used in the past. No big deal, this is all user friendly and automated. The next thing I knew I had lost most of the extra content. I have been working on a"work around" just to get them back all afternoon. I could have duplicated them in that time. So please excuse us while we take care of these technical matters once and for all. You see, when I have a post, the last thing I want to discover is some annoyance.

In the meantime, it would be a good time to get the e-Lee Dispatch delivered by mail. That way you will know when there has been a new post. Not every person visiting the blog wants it known that they are a regular reader. There are two solutions. One is Feedblitz. This program gives all kinds of options--one of which is to keep blog publishers from knowing who is subscribing.
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