Monday, March 16, 2009

Posts Returning With Lots of News


Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP

Special Note:Significant time has been invested in making a number of resources available for those 2000+ people who have lost jobs in Lee County. Tremendous research and effort went into the development of the "Job Listings" link found at the center of our top navigation bar. Based on careful research of potential sources and available technology, this link contains constantly updating listings in 29 job categories of the latest job openings within 50 miles of Sanford. With two clicks from our main page, a person can get what could be their key to employment. Please email any one you know who is unemployed, is at risk of being unemployed, any personnel officers who face the task of letting people go, local organizations that assist the disadvantaged, and let them know of this service. You can send this post by clicking the email icon at the bottom.

Work on the e-Lee Dispatch on our commitment to bringing Lee County citizens new, information, and analysis is just a strong as ever. With a direct link to the Sanford Herald on line, 10 constantly updating sources of regional and national news, the return to this area of columns by Ann Coulter (who lost her spot at the Sanford Herald in a "political correctness" controversy) along with prominent columnists Cal Thomas, George Will, and David Broder, we have provided a comprehensive, one-stop source for your news. See my personal blog for some of the reasons behind the redesign, with many new features.(click here).

Concern over the continuing job losses that have left Lee County with an unemployment rate higher that national and state rates will mean more posts about the local impact and what the community is (or isn't) doing about it. In fact the following post deals with a proposal to be considered Monday as to how to cut positions from county government.

Now that voters have brought Robert Reives' iron-fisted control of county government to an end, there isn't necessarily a lot of fodder for posts coming from commissioners meeting. (If we can find the time, however, we will excerpt from the video last meeting in which Reives and Jamie Kelly were laughing and congratulating themselves for not funding renovations for Lee County High because of an economic downturn that has brought concern and difficulty to area businesses, employees, and owners of 401-k's)

Research for some posts with potential consequences is always on going. The perjury complaint was discussed this week with State Board of Elections Director Bartlett and District Attorney Susan Doyle. Those who keep expecting that the grandfather of one of the key players can keep it bottled up, should step forward now and come clean. It is not going away.

Meanwhile, another prominent elected official has become a matter of controversy in the case, and will shortly be the subject of a post. There will also be a post answering the question, "Who is Steven Thomas" who signed the form without knowing what he was signing at the request of two friends. We now know why Thomas requested that we remove locating information about him from an earlier post. He will find out how much we have learned from Raleigh and from the satellites. It turns out he perjured himself in more ways than reporting an expenditure to the sign manufacturer.

It also appears that a real showdown is coming for leadership of the Lee County Republican Party Monday night, MARCH 30, in the old courtroom, beginning with precinct meetings at 6:30 with the convention following afterward. It looks as if there will be a battle between former school board member John Bonardi and at least a surrogate for Richard Littiken - whom some of his closest supporters have urged not to attend. One surrogate under consideration is County Commissioner Linda Shook, famous for her focus on national issues in her term on the board thus far.

Editors Note: Take advantage of the opportunity to subscribe to posts by email. Take note of the link "click here" if you want to subscribe anonymously. All current programs for signing up by email make the list of subscribers available to the bloggers who use them for marketing. We don't mind knowing who our readers are, but we have no interest in using the list information. We also know some people would want to protect their privacy with us and other sites and the link will take you to a way to do that.

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