Sunday, February 17, 2008

"Waiting For What" Is CCH ER Question

The issue at Central Carolina Hospital is not just how long do you wait, but exactly what quality of care awaits you. While touching on some issues of quality, the Herald's story focused mostly on the waiting times. The more serious problem is the poor quality of care whether you are seen in a matter of moments, as I was for chest pains, or at the end of the kind of stay that makes you wonder why you aren't just taking some Tylenol and going back to bed.

I believe that one never says never. The time in the night may well come when I have no choice but call Lee 911 and be rushed to the CCH ER in the middle of the night. I just pray not. My preference would be to get my wife to drive me over the Moore County line and call EMS that can take me directly to Moore Regional Hospital.

As someone who moved here four years ago, I would tell any of my friends who might be considering retirement here that the one major attribute lacking in Lee County is competent, comprehensive heath care. At the core of that problem is CCH--at what it calls the heart of the community. Scary thought, huh? Let me hear your feed back on experiences there.

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