Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Minorities, Women Now Among Sheriff's Office Ranks

Tracy Carter ran on a a platform of change in his successful campaign for Sheriff. Most notable was the end of the City-County Drug Task Force. It was a controversial stand, but the extraordinary success of the Sheriff's Office Drug Unit under Captain John Holly seems to have more than vindicated that position.

A less widely discussed pledge was to create a department that was more representative of the community. Carter noted during the campaign that there was only one black law enforcement officer. The department's number 3 position, Major of Field Operations, was filled with Carlton Lyles, and Kent Everette was tapped as Chief Jailer, one of the top positions in the department. Both were featured in the Herald's recent series for Black History Month on African-Americans that were contributing to our community.

In addition, four other African-Americans were deputy uniforms--three of which are female. So far, this is another promise that Sheriff Carter seems to be keeping with the citizens.

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