Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Public Officials Should Not Profit From Travel

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Today's Sanford Herald's editorial hit the bull's eye on out of town travel per diem paid to Sanford and Lee County officials when they travel out of state. Council member Charles Taylor first raised this issue after learning that four council members attended who attended a meeting of the Na­tional League of Cities in New Or­leans last year were paid up to $ 150 a day for meals and other expenses, and for a five-night stay, per diems totaled $ 750 apiece. According to the Herald editorial, "The IRS standard per diem for meals and incidentals in New Orleans in November is $ 59, or $ 295 for five nights. . . With a new sales tax going to the ballot, rising property taxes and a business privilege tax now in effect, it’s safe to say taxpayers will be watching more closely where their money’s going." Bull's eye!

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