Friday, September 5, 2008

Brewer Takes Hits On Defense of Status Quo

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPComments on Blog Try Brewer's Patience
Steve Brewer must have been getting tired of some of the flak he was taking for his opposition to having an agenda for the Law and Finance Committee in advance on the Sanford City Blog. In one blog he wrote,
"If an agenda was sent out Monday morning electronically, it would be possible that a council member could read an editorial about how they should react to an idea, before even having a chance to hear from the city staff. That would not be beneficial to anyone."
These were the same kind of sentiments he expressed at Tuesday night's meeting. He voted against providing the agenda. His blog today was a reprint of the Herald article to correct a minor mistake in how the agenda's were put together. And the comments rolled in taking Steve to task. He responded to one comment, "It is very obvious that you do not have a clue. No one wants to keep anything from anyone." That individual responded, "

I haven’t a clue? Wow, lets let everyone get the facts at the same time? Maybe it is you sir that doesn’t have a clue.

As an example, I gave you a topic that had significant interest to me. The landmark status program presented by staff - Mr. Montgomery. So, if everyone was to get the information at the same time then why did Kate Rumley state on the record that David had told her this was on the agenda so she could attend and comment? Did staff call any of us over here who had something to say to that program? No he did not. So, your philosophy of everyone gets the info at the same time is just illogical.

As things got worse he said something incredible for an elected official who has already started his campaign, "The sad thing is that we are a government of representation. It is a shame that people have lost faith so much that they do not believe you are doing your job." No matter how much faith is lost in elected officials, having a government of representation is something for which our forefathers fought, and I am glad we have one. What is sad is to see an elected official blaming the people for the loss of that faith. The agenda issue isn't over. Stay tuned.

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