Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Post 2-Read Today's Column for More on the LCHS Study

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPToday's "Uncommon Sense" column in the Sanford Herald features an analysis of the Commissioner's "Health And Safety Study of Lee County High School" for the benefit of readers who may not have read the e-Lee Dispatch's introduction and three part in-depth commentary on the report. Even if you have read about it here, be sure to read the column. You may be surprised just who else is critical of the report. For those who may not have read the e-Lee Dispatch's introduction and three part in-depth commentary on the report, the links are listed below. The column and additional in-depth reporting will be posted tomorrow in the e-Lee Dispatch Plus. But don't wait. Go pick up a Herald. Report on Lee County High School Due Part 1. LCHS Report: The Political Agenda Part 2. LCHS Report: Project Management FailurePart 3. LCHS Report : Misrepresenting the Obvious Click here to download pdf file If you have difficulty downloading you can get a copy of the report by emailing the Clerk to the Board, "Gaynell Lee" . Her address is It is public information and should be sent in pdf form by email. She is always quite helpful.

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