Thursday, September 18, 2008

Leaders From All Sectors Need To Attend Meeting

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPSeptember 23 Meeting Critical To Lee County's Future
Editors Notes : (I) Friday: There is a misprint in Billy Liggett's plug for blog in today's Herald. The meeting is critical, but it is a forum sponsored by the e-NC. We appreciate the plug, Any thoughts of the words "critical to our future" and "meeting" of the current county commission could cause a panic! (2) If you did not see my column in Wednesday's Herald click here.
North Carolina has been hard hit by the loss of economic mainstays - tobacco, textiles/apparel and manufacturing, and recovery from this has been slowed by lack of educational, physical and connectivity infrastructure resources needed to support the transition to a 21st century knowledge-based economy. As the world moves to a truly global economy, access to broadband infrastructure is vital in order for communities to remain competitive and participate globally. The most attractive companies and individuals associated with the opportunities of BRAC will demand high speed broadband beyond what is available now.

Next Tuesday, September 23, Lee County needs to be represented by local governments, the community college, board of education, chamber of commerce, and other groups and individuals with a vital interest in the future of Lee County at a regional summit regarding our future high speed broadband capabilities in Pittsboro sponsored by the e-NC Authority. (Click here to learn more about the authority.)

The summit is from 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room of Central Carolina Community College, 764 West Street, Building 2 in Pittsboro. The e-NC Authority is conducting these summits to provide local-level feedback about access to technology and what considerations should be implemented in a statewide strategic Internet plan. The recommendations from these summits will be compiled to present to the N.C. General Assembly and the House Select Committee on High-Speed Internet in Rural Areas during the 2009-2011 legislative session. It is important that Lee County's economic, educational, health care, public safety and community organization needs are represented in the report so that we can qualify for whatever assistance may result.

These summits are free and open to all members of the public, civic and business communities, and lunch will be provided at no charge. To register, please visit the registration page for this event. You may also contact Cary Edgar at (919) 250-4314 or for additional information.

Let's demonsrtate that Lee County is anxious to move more strongly and forcefully to be a real player in the 21st century global .

Information about this summit first came to attention in an ad in Sunday's Herald.

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