Thursday, March 20, 2008

Brochure Doesn't Add Up

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP County Hopes to Make Case For Sales Tax With Brochure

The draft copy of a tax-payer paid brochure created by county employees that is supposed to "educate" the public (see earlier post) about the upcoming sales tax increase doesn't add up.

Kudos to the staff to save money by attempting to do something government employees don't very well--produce political brochures. Beyond that the "we won't tell you what we will fund with the money" attitude of some commissioners makes it much harder to make a consistent and compelling case. While most speakers and resolutions in favor of the 1/4 sales and use tax revenue spoke specifically of renovations of Lee Senior High School (see earlier post) and needs for a new building at the CCCC campus, commissioners have be unwilling to make personal commitments to fund either project.

The math will be confusing to the average public. For example, the brochure claims that if the sales and use tax will produce $1.5 million per year but will fund $36,290,000 in projects. Left out is the explanation that the county intends to use the money to finance debt in the form of bonds or certificates of participation.

The brochure also has a block that compares the increased revenue from the sales tax with property tax rates. According to the brochure the sales tax revenue raises about the same revenue as adding 3.5 cent to the property tax. The hint is there that if the sales tax fails, property taxes will go up. This is contrary to commissioner statements that if the tax increase fails there will be no funding of educational projects.

The brochure is only a draft and the final result may be much improved. For example, the obligatory listing of commissioners might be left off and more real information might be better explained to the public. Or better still, the commissioners might do well to hold several public meetings to answer the public's questions themselves.

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