Sunday, March 23, 2008

Renovations Chair Supports Are Vague

"I am just one commissioner." - No Quarrel Here

Commissioner Chair Bob Brown is quoted in an Herald article regarding tomorrow afternoon's meeting between the commissioners , the board of education, the CCCC board, and the economic development board as being for the renovation of Lee County High School.
" Brown said he supports the renovations at the high school, but cannot speak for the entire commission. 'As one commissioner I really worry about not being able to do what needs to be done at the high school,' he said.'It is a priority with me, but I am just one commissioner.'”
Other than Commissioner Robert Reives, it is likely that any commissioner is likely to make a declaration that renovations are not needed on the campus of Lee County High School. But the question is what kind of renovations. Some think a new roof or two will do the job and others wonder why the drainage problems haven't been fixed by the board of education with an 8 year old back hoe. The truth is, when asked
by Commissioner John Quiggle to commitment in public to the $15.8 million needed to replace two buildings and redo the drainage system, not a single commissioner, including the chairman, was willing to join Quiggle in speaking up in the affirmative. (Read previous post here.)

The agenda for the upcoming meeting was set by Chairman Brown. The funding of what is known as the Hite plan for renovations has been a major issue between the commissioners and the board of education, but Brown did not put it specifically on the agenda. It sounds like he is so "worried" about it, he is afraid to have it on the agenda. Or what we really have here is a Chairman who is just one commissioner. Not a leader mind you, just one commissioner. No quarrel here.

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