Monday, March 31, 2008

Nuggets From the Herald Editorial Page

Message For Commissioners--Tell Us Where The Tax Money Is Going

If the reader looked a little deeper on the editorial page of Sunday's Herald than the main headline, they found two more nuggets relating to ongoing efforts of voters to get the Lee County Commissioners to be more specific about the use of the 1/4 cent sales tax. So far, commissioners have turned a deaf ear. But with four commissioner's seats up for election, angry voters will have alternatives.

Herald Editor's Billy Liggett column (click here to read) puts himself in the voter's shoes in an interesting, well researched piece that shows how counties who have been successful with the tax have been very specific about its intended uses. He is like many readers, when he says:
"If the commissioners want this passed, there needs to be a better line of communication with the voters. "
Perhaps without intending to do so, the column has picked up on the "threat" strategy of the commissioners. He characterizes the county commissioners' tax brochure as leaving the message:
"Long story short, approve a sales tax that you’re not really sure about or get levied with more property taxes."

This suggests the board has plans for capital projects and intends to plow ahead with them and raise property taxes to do it. Which brings us back to the questions for the commissioners--What do you plan to spend this money on?

This writer has also weighed in on the issue with a letter to the editor that appeared on Sunday's editorial page. (You can read it online here. ) It begins with this analysis of the status quo of the situation:

" No one should vote for the sales tax referendum with the expectation that the current board of commissioners will fund the renovations as sought by the Board of Education for the Lee County High School."

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