Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Logo For County Commission Leaders?

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Big kudos go out to George J. Wilberg of Sanford for his letter to the editor about "trusting" Commission Chair Bob Brown on the issue of funding Lee County High School. Here is an excerpt of his letter. Read the full letter here. In fact, perhaps the board "leadership" deserves their own logo.

Might I paraphrase the old tale of the turtle who agreed to carry a scorpion across a river. A scorpion, being a poor swimmer, asks this turtle to carry him on his back across a wide river. The turtle says, “You are crazy.You will sting me and I’ll die.” The scorpion says, “If I did that, both of us would drown, wouldn’t we?” The turtle thinking about the “trust” developed says, “Hop on, let’s cross the river.” Half way across, the scorpion stings the turtle. In dying the turtle says, “Why, did you do it?” As they sank to the bottom the scorpion replied with its last breath, “It’s just my nature.You knew I was a scorpion.” My vote is to have a “resolu­tion” guaranteeing funds to our Lee County High School or CCCC. This taxpayer and resident of Lee County does not want to befall the fate of the turtle. No, indeed.

P.S. Lemmond Gone Quiet on School Issues?
By the way, Jerry Lemmond had nothing to say at the joint Board of Education-Commissioners meeting. Perhaps, for a change, he followed the advice of a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, who said, " "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

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