Thursday, March 27, 2008

County Brochure Misleading About Endorsements

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPProblem Not Just With LCHS Provisions

The brochure being produced at tax payer expense by the board of commissioners misrepresents the nature of the endorsements received from local organizations in support of the 1/4 cent sales and use tax. All the organizations predicated their support on the funds being used to finance education projects--some were more specific including the full renovations at Lee County High School. The latter was stripped from the resolution by the Finance Committee of the Board. And some of the organizations like the Friends of Lee County High School are hopping mad about being included on the list since the uses of the sales tax increase are not for the reasons specified in their resolutions.

The problem is bigger than the omission of the high school issue. The board of commissioners also included a section saying "Debt service on other capital projects listed in the Counties 2009-2013 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) ." That plan goes far beyond education and includes a wide variety of projects not related to K-14 education. Some of the projects include new buildings for administration and Lee County Community Development--projects likely to be controversial.

A careful reading of the resolutions would strike all of them--plus several not mentioned in the draft of the brochure. This would leave the sales tax increase with only one endorsement--the one by the Lee County Board of Commissioners. Looks like we are back to "trust us."

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