Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Finding Image For Littiken Delays Post

Search for Graphical Representation Takes Hours--Failed
Editor's Note: I think visually and begin every blog with an image that serves as what the English teachers call a "writing prompt." While some may say I just had writer's block, literally hours were spent looking for an image to prepare a post on Littiken's handling of the Sanford Herald story on "Straight Talk" the new GOP blog. It was a constant temptation to use images not in what I consider good taste. According to the Herald
"An entry at www.leecountygop.com titled "In Hitler's Footsteps" was made Thursday promoting a book called "Defeating the Totalitarian Lie: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America." The author begins the post by writing 'I have noticed throughout the campaign season that Obama is following Hitler's playbook as he considers his moves and programs."
Unfortunately, Littiken has become the "image" of the Republican Party, and only he could take a good idea (a website and blog) and turn it into yet another embarrassment. I will just let the images speak for themselves and address how the Lee GOP rids itself of his leadership in a later post. These images will give you some idea of my thoughts. We had been in the process of election analysis. So you get something thought provoking, I am including this link (click here) to an interesting column from Rob Christensen, the chief political correspondent for the News and Observer and Charlotte Observer. Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP

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