Monday, November 3, 2008

No Step Aside, No 'Fess Up, No Nothing

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPJamie Kelly Ignores Suggestions
Sunday's Sanford Herald called on Commissioner Jamie Kelly to "Fess Up" with the story behind the falsified report filed on the anti-Hincks signs he had shipped in from Iowa or step aside until the matter was settled. The e-Lee Dispatch suggested that he simply renounce his plans to run for chair of the next commission until the facts were known. We seldom get comments on our blog, but with a growing set of interested readers we have found that this is one subject that people will take a moment to jot down a thought or two.
The comments range the gambit, but those in the Keller machine may want a stiff drink of coffee or something else before reading these. These views do not necessarily represent the views of the e-Lee Dispatch and those considered in poor taste or highly personally attacks were not accepted.
Anonymous said...

Jerry Lemmond ought to be called as a witness. I bet he knows the whole thing. It was his campaign that Kelly was trying to help and so far Lemmmond has been given a free ride.

November 2, 2008 11:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this issue is as serious as it is being played up, Kelly just removing himself from consideration of the chairmanship is NOT enough. Kelly should tell the citizens of Lee County the truth and resign/step down altogether from the Lee board of commissioners.

November 2, 2008 1:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous comment. The only reason that this conspiracy did not work is that Steve Thomas turned out to be a brave and an "honest" man. His call to Mr, Hincks to apologize came before he knew he was such potential legal problems shows that he is a decent person and a victim. This the way the Keller's have run this county for years. Kelly SHOULD tell the truth and step down, but he will not. He will figure that his granddad will use his influence and money to buy his way out it. And Oscar may find a way to keep Kelly out of jail but politically Jamie is finished for good.

November 2, 2008 3:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder if rumors that some police officer took the form to Steve are true the reason Steve signed it was something the cop had on him. Will we every find out?

November 2, 2008 10:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie Kelly simply cannot admit he did something wrong. He is a spoiled brat who needs a good whuppin', but just watch - his family will throw money at this and divert attention and in the end he'll still be on the board. But in two years, when his term is up...that's it. His term will be up. Add him to the "One-Term Brewer" list. When you play dirty, you end up stinking.

November 3, 2008 11:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if this ain't MAyberry.... Andy Griffith stumping for candidates, and you his faithfull side kick Barney Fife making citizens arrest! I feel quite certain Mr. Hinks would speak out,and file the paperwork, if he deemed it necessary. Thank God we have you! But, now you've fired the only bullet you had,hope you can get Andy to give you another. But,just like Barney ,you fired a shot that you shouldn't have! Oh, many post ago you mentioned you had ties to several prominent Lee County families,bet they are paying you a lot of money not to tell who they are too!

October 29, 2008 1:16 PM

Anonymous said...

Yes it is "MAyberry" Anonymous and that Small Town, Dirty, Democratic, Dirty politics that goes along with it. A "leader" pays for some signs against a candidate, doesn't file the forms, and then tries to blame it on someone else. When they get caught, they 1. Deny, 2. Blame it on someone else, 3. Say it doesn't matter, and 4. Have someone else attack the accuser "Anonymously," and then berate the person that complains. You hit that nail on the head, but I believe you got it "bass ackwards."

October 30, 2008 7:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's my post? Guess ol' Barney didn't think Earnet T. Bass could take it?

October 30, 2008 10:18 PM said...

Even with the complaint though, the question is will anything be done. It is a little like the mouse guarding the cheese. Don't get me wrong with that, I am not necessarily saying it was a cowardous thing. You figure it out though.

October 28, 2008 9:35 PM

Anonymous Lee Native said...

I also noted one other difference in the two forms. At the very top right corner of the form there are two Amendment boxes. Thomas' form is marked No - Kelly's form is marked YES. This tells me that Kelly is acknowledging that his form is an amendment to Thomas' form. If he had no knowledge of Steve Thomas and/or why he would file this form, then why did he file an amendment? I hope there is a thorough investigation. The public deserves to know the truth about Jamie Kelly and the Keller regime.

October 27, 2008 11:11 AM

Anonymous Mad Mamma said...

Jamie Kelly obviously has an insatiable thirst for power, just like grandpa. It is time to quench their thirst by throwing them to the bottom of the well!

October 27, 2008 11:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again everyone needs to worry bout themselves and everyone needs to get off the topic about the Keller's having money because everyone knows that money doesn't buy power because money is power. Only jealous people talk about other people's money when they should go get a job and save.

October 27, 2008 1:45 PM

Anonymous Big Dog said...

Who is counseling Jamie Kelly? I want to make sure I never seek their counsel. Jamie Kelly just keeps digging himself deeper into a pit. If he doesn't start owning up to his actions, the pit is going to cave in. Sadly, it seems that a lot of people hope that is exactly what happens.

October 27, 2008 1:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone but anonymous is stupid and ignorant.

October 27, 2008 4:18 PM

Blogger Kirk D. Smith said...

Anonymous writes "Everyone but anonymous is stupid and ignorant." Clearly, our country was once founded on the principle that no one is above the law. Now we have local and state leaders using under-handed tactics that are apparently illegal, hence a "violation of the law." Calling others whose comments are clearly legitimate, "stupid and ignorant" demonstrates another example of shameless disparagement used by those whose "behind the scenes" manipulation is exposed for what it is, criminal activity for personal gain. Perhaps anonymous would have the intestinal fortitude to post his/her name. No that would require them to come out from "behind the scenes."

October 27, 2008 5:30 PM

Anonymous Joe The Plumber said...

Anonymous is obviously a Keller fan. Does he/she really think that people in Lee County are jealous of the Keller's because they have money? "Get a job and save" and then we will understand why the Keller's are so powerful. I will not post what I'd really like to say to that so I'll just say this - Bless your heart.

October 27, 2008 8:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie Kelly's only saving grace is to resign from the board. This might stop an investigation and help him save a little face. He has indeed dug himself a deeper and deeper hole - the wages of his huge ego. Have you ever spoken to this guy? He is not very smart, but has this sense of entitlement and thinks he deserves special treatment. He has done NOTHING for Lee County. Ever. His wife is the brains of his business. He himself has done nothing but get a highway named for his grand pappy.

October 27, 2008 8:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when I read the article, I said "Huh, it sounds like Southern Democrat small town dirty politics. It's about what you would expect from someone like Kelly. Just remember this on November 4th and when Kelly runs again. The truth will find you out, and what goes around, comes around.

October 27, 2008 8:56 PM

Anonymous fed up in Lee said...

I think that anonymous is the perfect adjective of Jamie Kelly and his approach to this gutless attack on HH. He was hoping to anonymously attack HH for political gain and was uncovered. Not only is he gutless but he is a liar. Yeah a gutless liar. Never met Steve Thomas, don't know the man. Yeah, right. We are going to find out eventually. Jamie, you are not above the law. Jamie, if you are so proud of the signs you bought, why don't you put some out in front of your business and the homes of your family? Gutless Anonymous said... Are you part of the family? I would suspect so since you respond anonymously.

October 27, 2008 9:14 PM

Sheila said...

I read the article and immediately shot a letter off to the editor. How dare Mr. Kelly call us "political hacks". I say, us, because I have written letters to the paper complaining constantly about the arrogance, mainly Democrat board members, who just run us citizens down. I'm sick of them. And I want them out. By the way, Mr. Kelly runs a business in Lee County. A small business that will be hit with the Obama tax increase. Or, does he believe because he's a Democrat, that won't happen to him? You get what you asked for. I'll be watching this blog. I want to run him out of office. Mr. Kelly - hope you read this.

Sheila Barber said...

I also read your wife's comments. This doesn't surprise me with the intimidation we've seen by the commissioners. My letter to the editor has not been published as today, Nov 2. But when the editor calls out a commissioner, in this county, that is news. I never thought I'd see people stoop this low. But please remember, this is where the crooks start - right in your own community. They get the love and feel for power. And then they go on to State jobs and federal - Ruining our lives! I better get a concealed carry permit as well. I might be next.

Anonymous said...

I think these idiots need to grow up and quit worrying about stupid signs and more about Sanford. QUIT CRYING

I voted for George Harvey said...

Arrogance and ignorance have gotten Jamie Kelly into this mess. Let's just hope he doesn't buy his way out of it. If he is guilty, then he should be prosecuted - just like every other ordinary citizen.

With Oscar Keller's problems, and this, it's clear what needed to happen is happening: THE KELLER MACHINE IS GOING DOWN THE DRAIN! Ding dong, the Machine is dead!

Anonymous said...

Quit crying? It leaves me wondering about the quality of our leadership. Unethical it is. Illegal as well. Is this how we want our county commissioners to be? No one is above the law. Jamie Kelly should "sign off" now. We have an election where we can replace him in less than 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Read page 2 of today's Sanford Herald . Oscar is truly having a bad week.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Jamie Kelly represents a district and is not up for election this year. He is, however running for chairman and Jerry Lemmond is the only Democrat committed to Kelly. To send a message to Kelly, do not vote for Lemmond.

Anonymous said...

No way Jamie's thousands (he doesn't have millions) will buy him out of this. What a dope. Dumbest politician in Lee County history. What a fargin' idiot. Run to daddy! Run to grandpa! Wwaaaaaahhhh! Woah, whoah ooo oooo, Jamie's CRYIN!

Kirk D. Smith said...

During the discussion on renaming the 421 bypass in honor of Oscar Keller Jr., I recalled the EDC Director, board members, and the resolution referring to Oscar Keller as "working behind the scenes" for Lee County. I specifically stated that our government was designed to be transparent and that "working behind the scenes" could also allude to nefarious activity. . How right I seem to have been. . . Not only that, the fact is now we have the grandson of Oscar Keller, Jamie Kelly "working behind the scenes" for nefarious reasons. The process in the naming of the 421 bypass starting with Oscar Keller's son on the EDC and his Grandson on the County Commission clearly smacks of "nepotism." In light of the apparent underhanded "working behind the scenes" and potentially felonious activity, perhaps Jamie Kelly would consider resigning as county commissioner because Lee County's citizens deserve better.

Anonymous said...

Any man that wants a landfill should start one behind his own house and not put the burden on other communities (Hincks did support the landfill no matter what he said) I guess if he gets his landfill then he can throw all the signs he is crying about in there.

Editor said...

To read Hincks response to the landfill accusation, go to and view the video entitled "Response to Landfills."

The View said...

To Anonymous 12:04 post - You are obviously a member of the Keller regime. I pray that you will seek wisdom before expressing your future opinions because your post shows complete ignorance. I wonder what you've gained from your association with the Keller's? Money, position, power? Or are you just an unlucky member of the family?

Anonymous 2 said...

In response to "the view", I find it interesting that anyone who doesn't support Hincks is obviously a member of the Keller regime. The intense interest in this story is a product of people's jealousy of others with money. Many small-minded Sanfordians are breathless with the possibility of the "fall of the Kellers". And, no, I am neither a Keller nor an associate of the Kellers. I am simply a person with an opinion.

The View said...

To anonymous 2 - Why do you assume I am a Hincks supporter? I have made no reference to Hincks. You however, make specific reference to the Keller regime with your defensive remarks and therefore must be considered a member of the Keller regime. You have shown your ignorance once again with your statement about "people's jealousy of others with money." I can assure there are many people in Lee County with more money than the Keller's, but you don't see them using it for power. Just mention money and power anywhere in the NC legislative building and people automatically think "Oscar Keller." He has become somewhat of a icon in that regard. An unenviable icon I might add. There is no jealously, but there does seem to be growing hatred. And by the way, I am not specifically a Herb Hincks supporter. I plan to vote for those with good leadership skills and who are trustworthy, which are two character traits that do not exist on our current board of commissioners. If Herb Hincks fits the bill, then I will vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Machiavelli Lives!! Machiavelli would be proud of Jamie Kelly. I wonder if the lad ever read - The Prince - the political guide to power written in the 16th Century.The Prince was a manuscript that described the amoral and unscrupulous political calculations by which an "ideal prince" would maintain power. Nah.. 1st rule never leave a paper trail. lmao

Anonymous said...

The citizens of Lee County should demand the resignation of any office holder that is involved in this shameful and idiotic act.

Anonymous said...

If your research and reporting are as as up to par as your grammer and punctuation, I think you probably owe Mr. Kelly an apology.

Editor said...

It is grammAR not grammER

Anonymous said...

I think all these idiots need to grow up and quit crying over some signs on the side of the road. QUIT CRYING

Anonymous said...

Let's remember citizens of Lee County, Jamie Kelly is only following the dirt road his grandfather Oscar Keller knows so well. You only need to read the OSHA story on page two, Friday, 10/24/08 of The Sanford Herald to see the underhanded manner grand dad uses to get his way.

Jay said...

Whats up with the Herald on the 24th? I looked up 2A online and the Keller story was replaced by a vehicle break-in story. You have to download the Hi-Def PDF on the page to get the original story.

Anonymous said...

This sign business is just the tip of the iceberg. Herb Hinks was initially persuaded by the Keller family to run against City Councilman Clawson Ellis years ago for reasons having to do with the old airport controversy. He was defeated. In 1994, a local Republican lawyer ran against Ed Paschal for a district Commissioner's seat. His platform was essentially, "I will stop the airport." A few days before the election, it became clear Mr. Paschal would be defeated. The Keller family went into action, spreading money around and digging up the dirt on the lawyer. But it was too late. The lawyer won. By that time, it was too late for anyone to stop the airport. The lawyer served his term. Now it is 1998. The Keller family needed a Republican to run against the lawyer in the primary. They were taking no chances; if they couldn't unseat the guy in the primary, they could try again in the fall. They encouraged Hincks to run for the seat. And this is where it gets interesting. Kelly Marcom, Jamie Kelly's company, ran Herb Hinck's 1998 campaign. This was done so that the Keller family could donate to the campaign without the family name showing up on reports. Remember, they were backing the Republican. Not good politics for their position in state government. Did Kelly Marcom register Mr. Hinck's campaign with the State Board of Elections? Are there records with the State Board showing who donated to that campaign?

Anonymous said...

Will it really be a surprise?


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