Thursday, November 20, 2008

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Southern Pines Has Similar Effort Underway
While the origins of the effort in Southern Pines vary quite a bit from those that led to the creation of the Second Century Project here in Sanford, much of the work and process is similar. The “ 2nd Century Project” is a consortium of business owners and community leaders, in partnership with local government. It is a strategic initiative and branding campaign designed to create awareness of and promote Sanford and Lee County. Driving the Southern Pines effort is the issue of development. The Southern Pines council enacted a year long moratorium on subdivisions and had hoped that the process could be completed before it had to deal with the future growth of the town.

Southern Pines held a "vision workshop" from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Southern Pines Recreation Center that was open to the public last Thursday.

"What we're proposing to do is work with the community at roughing out a vision statement," said Bill Grimes, principal of Studio Cascade, the firm hired to guide the town through the long-range planning process. Organizers expected as many as 250 residents to hear a short presentation from Grimes and then break up into round table discussions to offer individual input into the town's future.

Mayor Mike Haney, mayor said, "The success of this process is predicated on the involvement of the town,, "Participation is very important during this whole comprehensive long-range plan process for it to be all we think it can be."

The town sent out post cards to all water customers asking them to attend. All town residents and those living within the extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction were invited to attend.

Grimes asked participants to discuss and list issues and opportunities faced by the town, both current and future concerns. The plan will be designed to have a 20-year horizon.

Multiple topics to facilitate discussion on the full range of issues the plan were addressed All written comments will be transcribed and included in work to develop a community vision, a broad-brush statement that will guide formation of goals and policies in the draft plan.

Studio Cascade's web site (click here) says: Comprehensive Planning draws a community's "road map" for successful, sustainable growth, so it's essential that plans truly reflect the goals, needs, and objectives of each community. Whether addressing State-mandated plan requirements or preparing proactive visioning documents, Studio Cascade is a leader in connecting civic involvement with comprehensive plans that:
  • Increase the vitality and safety of neighborhoods
  • Protect property values
  • Protect the environment
  • Enhance civic functional and aesthetic characteristics
  • Expand economic potential
Although the Southern Pines effort has very different origins, beginning initially as an issue related to development ordinances but has taken on many of the characteristics of the Second Century Project. "This is the exciting first step in our comprehensive planning process," said Southern Pines Mayor Pro-Tem Chris Smithson, who chairs the committee. On the other hand, the 2nd Century Project has been a project primarily lead by local business and civic leaders. According to Kirk Bradley, Chair of the 2nd Century Project of the research team,
“Together with the help of our consultants, we have set the agenda around four primary goals: 1) to create a comprehensive brand for Sanford and Lee County; 2) to incorporate all the studies and efforts of the past three decades into a results oriented action plan; 3) to create a consortium of both public and private stakeholders to implement the action plan; and 4) to make Sanford and Lee County a primary destination to live, work and play in the greater Triangle region.
The strong private sector involvement here in Sanford will likely mean that there will be a different emphasis even if some of the components are the same. On the other hand, the understanding and commitment of the public sector to its role is likely to be greater to the south. "Choosing the right firm for Southern Pines is more than just hiring one experienced in writing plans. It is hiring a firm that also has expertise in facilitating widespread public participation. This combination will help ensure that the final plan is a truly representative vision of what the town is and where it wants to go." It is the emphasis on public participation, vision, and a comprehensive plan that are similar. The language describing the efforts show similar expectations. Sanford's Second Century project is currently significantly ahead of its neighbor to the south. Other community workshops will take place early next year in Southern Pines and will continue through the spring. Following a summer break, one or two additional workshops will help complete the draft plan, slated for delivery in September 2009. The Southern Pines Project has a web site (click here) and a local "drop in center". Information on the project web site says:

Southern Pines' new long-range plan will engage residents in charting a course for the future. From housing, to transportation, land use to basic services, what should be included? What's working now, and what challenges need addressing? The process will create a comprehensive set of goals and policies to guide decisions 20 years into the future. Follow the process and add your voice!
Editor's Note: The Pilot newspaper in Southern Pines was a primary source for this post.

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