Monday, November 3, 2008

Who Really Supports Lee County High School

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPFriends of Lee County High School Endorse Hayes,Hincks, and Oldham In At Large Race
According to the ads and the rhetoric, every candidate is for "renovating" or doing something about Lee County High School. This includes incumbent candidates, and challenger Andre Knecht, who are generally for repairing and/or renovating the school. Challengers are generally more aggressive in the way they approach the school's facility needs and have all visited the campus and read the Hite Report, something not all incumbents have done. So, how do you evaluate these claims of "support" for Lee County High School? It would seem that the best way is to consider the endorsement of the Friends of Lee County High School. On October 4, 2008 Kathleen Briggs and Arlene Jackson, Chairs of Friends of Lee County High School, began circulating an email endorsing three at large candidates for county commissioner. Each recipient was asked to forward their letter of endorsement to 10 more people in what has become known as an Internet chain. A copy of the chain letter was sent to the Sanford Herald but never received any news coverage. While Internet chain letters can be effective, some readers may have not received a copy or understand who the endorsed supporters of Lee County High School are. According to the letter, three candidates were endorsed: Richard Hayes, Herb Hincks, and Larry "Doc" Oldham. After mentioning the qualities of each of the candidates, the endorsement letter concluded with this paragraph: Each of these candidates is committed to public education, public safety, and economic-development. Their unwavering support of the recently defeated local option sales tax demonstrated their courage of leadership. They understood that by using the sales tax, the entire weight of the County’s capital needs for Lee County High School and Central Carolina Community College would not fall solely on property owners. By bringing all stakeholders together in solving problems facing the County, these men will be proactive rather than continuously reactive to problems. Candidates Endorsed: Richard Hayes, Herb Hincks, Larry "Doc" Oldham. Candidates Not Endorsed: Andre Knecht, Jerry Lemmond, Ed Paschal. Editor's Note: Some have inquired about seemingly conflicting statements by incumbent commissioner Jerry Lemmond related to the financing of repairs and or renovations at the Sanford Herald Forum. Lemmond, who has been known for voting both ways on issues, made these statements at the forum. Click here.

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