Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Annexation Moratorium Coming to Vote

As a development in a neighborhood to the south, Pinehurst, found out the hard way, property owners have absolutely no protection against forced annexation--even if they get no substantial services as a result. Instead, they just get another layer of government and more taxes. (read about it here)

This ought to worry all Lee County residents as we could be gobbled up by Sanford and things like their business privilege tax at practically any time. Thanks to the hard work of the folks from Moore County and the work of Americans For Prosperity, a vote has been scheduled in the state house. (Lloyd Jennings work on this ought to be appreciated because the time may come when Carolina Trace faces the issue.)

Last week, a House Select Committee on Municipal Annexation voted to move forward with a bill that would impose a statewide moratorium on involuntary annexation through June 30, 2009. The bill now goes to the full House. If passed by the House, the bill would then move to the Senate for consideration. This will give the next session of the legislature the opportunity to more carefully exam the issue. Naturally the League of Municipalities is gearing up a strong lobbying effort against it. Folks from Moore County have a rally planned June 4. American's For Prosperity has set up a web page (visit the page here) to make it very easy to contact legislators by email to urge support of this moratorium.

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