Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stop Gap Measures Start At LCHS

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPScience Building Coming Down-Trailers Coming In

With the failure of the one-quarter cent sales tax and the muddling around with plans for renovation of Lee County High School by the county commissioners, the Board of Education is beginning to take measures to correct some of the worst conditions at the school.

Once school dismisses for the year, the old science building will be demolished and the debris removed from the campus. With this construction activity going on, many summer activities will be moved to the Southern Lee High School Campus.

Eight "portable classrooms" will replace the classrooms lost when the science building comes down. The money to fund the demolition and classrooms was appropriated to the Board of Education in this current school year's budget. It is clearly less than an ideal situation, but it will be better than the current environment. Perhaps the area could be called "Commissioner's Commons."

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