Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Provisional Ballots Leave Us Waiting For Results

We have been here in other races although the margin of 132 votes with 436 ballots to be counted is close enough to make it interesting between incumbent school board chairman Bill Tatum,who is ahead now and newcomer Kim Lilley.

Tatum, unlike some of the other incumbent winners, spent significant time and energy campaigning for the sales tax--an association that probably hurt him at the polls. But Tatum has always had something of an unconventional style.

As chairman of the school board, he has no problem looking ahead to the needs of the schools of which the renovations at Lee are foremost. So from his leadership paradigm, he was out working on the solution just as hard as being re-elected. Being re-elected with the tax failing just made the school board's task harder.

It looks like it will be next Tuesday before we will know for sure how his style played out in this election.

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