Thursday, May 15, 2008

Speculation Already Under Way on Gavels

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Commissioner Robert T. Reives' term doesn't expire until 2010, so unless the Democrats lose hold on the board this fall, he will likely remain the leader, but with the primary defeat of Bob Brown, the largely ceremonial title of chairman will be wide open. Reports from a number of reliable sources suggest that Commissioner Jamie Kelly expects to succeed Brown in November. Among Commissioner Kelly's genuinely good qualities is a general optimistic outlook, but he tends to forget that there is an election in November. Only he knows what kind of commitments he has lined up, but it is doubtful he has lined up any GOP support and unlikely that even all the democrats have committed. Herb Hincks, a Republican, who is seeking re-election to the board has served as a chair of the commission for eight years without ever having a majority Republican board.

The board of education is another story. Chairman Bill Tatum won re-election. GOP Chair Richard Litiken has sent out a mailing anticipating that Dr. Lynn Smith will be the new Board of Education Chair because Smith got more votes than any other Board of Education candidate. Since Smith is a registered Republican, Litiken's argument is understandable. It is not, however, the precedent the Board of Education has followed in the past. Tatum, unlike Kelly, is mum on his plans. Since the new Board of Education will be organized in July, the mystery will be the first one cleared up.

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