Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Awaiting Election Returns

The polls aren't closed yet, but I am getting notices of victory parties. Results could be a little slower coming in tonight because of the strong write-in campaigns in the race for board of elections. Both local elections--commissioners and board of education-- are what I call multiple choice elections. Four candidates are running for three seats on the commissioners--all against each other--so it is the order of finish among the candidates that determine the winners. I like old fashioned elections where there is a seat and two or more candidates run for that one seat. You can learn a lot more from those type elections about what the electorate is thinking by the pattern of finish in three separate races than the order of finish in a race with four. The board of education is the same kind of race with more seats and more candidates, but it is all order of finish. There are two write-ins, one an incumbent.

Of course there is the vote on the sales tax which is a simple yes or no--a winning crowd and a losing crowd. The outcome may have more impact on local politics than the particular outcome of any of the multiple choice elections.

We will have analysis tomorrow--how much depends on what can be learned from the results.

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