Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Board of Educaction Picks John Bonardi For CCCC Board

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Shawn Williams Keeps Vote From Being Unanimous

The Board of Education by a 5-1 vote, elected retiring member John Bonardi to replace John Sauls on the Central Carolina Community College Board of Trustees. Bonardi was not reelected and will leave the Board of Education on June 30. His term at CCCC will not begin until July 15.

Bonardi was the recommendation of the selection committee chaired by Helen Mangum. There were no other nominations. School Board Chairman Bill Tatum called for the vote and was apparently surprised or unsure of Shawn Williams' vote because he asked for the vote a second time. This time it was clear - Williams voted no. At the time, Williams offered no explanation. There was some irony here because Bonardi had strongly supported Williams at the time the board of education selected Dr. Lynn Smith.

Contacted yesterday, Williams explained that he thought it was a conflict of interest for the board to vote to elect one of its own members--even one leaving the board-- to the position.
Other applicants were Margaret Murchison, Jacob Davenport, Sandy Stancil, and Neal Kightlinger.

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