Sunday, June 29, 2008

Herald Joins Speculation on McCormick's Future

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP

Media Coverage Could Create Potential Problems

There was plenty of smoke on the issue of Jim McCormick's future with the Lee County School system by week's end. Most all of it ended up on the front page of the Sanford Herald's Sunday Edition. (click here for link that will work through Monday only). The article is based on "sources close to the school district. Multiple sources — all of whom wished to speak on the condition of anonym­ity."

The e-Lee Dispatch sometimes reports on that basis. And in this case there was some circumstantial evidence like the moving of the time of the Board of Education meeting that would seem to point to something going on. Sometimes we elect to hold posts so that the posts themselves do not become part of the story. (Click here to see editor's note.)

This much is clear from a careful parsing of the article. Jim McCormick is still Superintendent of Lee County Schools. As of today, there has been no change in his employment status. Whether he is at this time tomorrow may well turn out to be a different story.

Suppose, and this is speculation, that he decided on his own that for whatever reasons to resign. Perhaps he did so because he thought it best for the schools or to protect his privacy and that of others. The story is much bigger than that now. Media attention for "immoral conduct" raises questions about a wide range of conduct--from conduct that some people might not consider immoral to conduct that would universally disgust the community. One might expect that from an "electronic source" tied to a local interest group. The Herald, however, should have left the term " immoral conduct" alone or gone all the way and spelled it out.

The manner in which this story has been handled may however, draw the cameras from WRAL or WTVD so there should be plenty of sources to hear different slants on the story. Maybe they will see the "Smokin' Joes" sign and decide to give the local economy a boost while they are in town. There may yet be some good in all this mess.

The county commissioners are meeting at 5:30 to adopt a budget with or without the sheriff's two additional patrol deputies. That story may not be the biggest of the day but it could last until November.

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