Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sheriff "Upset" That Commissioners Did Not Fund Deputies

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPTracy Carter Reminds People Election Coming Up.

Sheriff Tracy Carter's reaction to the commissioner's failure to fund the two additional patrol deputies was discussed on Rant, Billy Liggett's radio show during the 8:30 segment of the 8 to 9 am Wednesday morning show on 90.5 FM, WDDC.
For late risers and those who cannot get the station, here are the highlights, The entire broadcast is available from the Rant web site. (Click here to view the blog site or here to download the MP3 portion. The show is quite entertaining. Sheriff Carter comes in about 34 mins into the show if you need to slide the marker to find that portion only..)

Pointedly reminding some commissioners that they had run their primary campaigns on support of law enforcement, Sheriff Tracy Carter told listeners he was "disappointed and upset" that the commissioners had failed to use $120,000 that was not used in the budget to fund his request for 2 additional patrol deputies. He said that he felt that despite having lowered last year's crime rate, that his office was seeing a serious increase in crime--especially home invasions--due to the economy. He made it clear that while he had been told to prioritize positions, it was with the assumption money could not be found in the budget to meet more of his request. "I want to make it clear that I need those two positions," he said. The sheriff said it was his job to tell the commissioners what was needed and he did not play the game of asking for more than he needed expecting to get less.

He encouraged listeners to contact commissioners to request that they fund the 2 positions at their final budget meeting on June 30, and Liggett gave the numbers for the commissioners. (click here for the contact information.) He also said that he encouraged people to pay attention because "We do have an election coming up in the fall." Although he declined to say that the commissioner's actions were politically motivated and said relations had generally been good with the board, this was a clear signal that the votes against the deputies would be fair game in the fall election. "I don't work for the county manager or the commissioners. I work for the people."

This much is absolutely clear. He feels his position on the deputies was misrepresented by the county manager and commissioners. "In no way have I ever said that I did not need those two positions."


Incumbent commissioners Jerry Lemmond, who heavily advertised his support of law enforcement, and Ed Paschal have a lot to think about. The two could vote with commissioners Shook and Quiggle to amend the budget ordinance to add the patrol deputies. Of course, Lemmond would have to obtain Robert Reives permission. Democrat candidate Richard Hayes, who also heavily advertised his support of law enforcement, can only hope that when Commissioner Jamie Kelly returns from vacation (Kelly was not present to vote on the motion by John Quiggle to fund the two positions from $120,000 of unallocated money in the budget), Kelly will be able to get his colleagues to see the potential political risks of their actions. Just whether or not the sheriff intends to heavily involve himself in the election is not clear. What is clear is he will not sit back and let anyone hide behind a misrepresentation of his position.

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