Monday, June 23, 2008

Forced Annexation Bill Being Stalled In House

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Representative Love Faces Test Of Legislative Influence

The bill declaring a one year moratorium on forced annexation may not become law after all. As covered in a prior post
(read about it here) property owners have absolutely no protection against forced annexation--even if they get no substantial services as a result. Instead, they just get another layer of government and more taxes. This ought to worry all Lee County residents as we could be gobbled up by Sanford and things like their business privilege tax at practically any time.

The House Judiciary II Committee did not get to vote on HB 2367 Thursday. The bill was last on the agenda, and only opponents of the bill were given time to speak before time ran out. It is scheduled for the next meeting Tuesday, but it is again near the end of the agenda. With the legislature expected to adjourn shortly, this may be the last chance for the bill.

Representative Love is a vice chair of the Judiciary II and has indicated his support for the bill as long as it applies only to forced annexation and earlier said that the bill to clear the committee with little difficulty. (See previous post) Representative Love said that sponsors of the bill have indicated to him that they have the votes on the House floor to pass the bill. It looks like this bill could be turning into a test of his legislative influence--something Love highly promotes in his campaigns. With all the uproar about Sanford's privilege tax still very much alive, a failure to get this bill out of committee could become a key issue in the November campaign. You can contact Representative Love at or call his office at 919-715-3026.

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