Friday, June 27, 2008

New Blood Bringing Life To Lee GOP

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPAs Local GOP Struggles With Legacy of In-Fighting, New Players Take Field
McCory's Monday's Visit A Coup of YR President

Candidates for governor don't typically spend much time raising money for local parties. Their focus has to be on raising as much money as they can for their own campaign. Yet Charlotte Mayor Pat Mc Crory, the Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, will speak to local Republicans Monday at a pancake supper fund raiser at 6 p.m. Monday, June 30. The event will be held at the Veterans of Foreign Wars post 5631 on Webb Street in Sanford. The pancake supper is free, and funds will be raised in the form of donations.

The event has almost single handedly been organized by Jay Calendine. Calendine is both President of the new Lee County Young Republicans and Finance Committee Chairman of the County GOP. Yet it was a personal contact of Calendine through his YR role that convinced the McCrory campaign to do this event and observers have noted that the work of organizing the event has been led mostly by Young Republicans who have had success involving older Republicans as well in the planning. One
committee assigned by Richard Littiken charged with publicity has not done a stellar job. Calendine is advertising the event mostly by chain email. Those who know people who may be interested in meeting McCory should let them know.

Calendine, 30, is a Lee County native and a graduate of Lee Christian School. After returning from Iraq, he saw the need for additional leadership and began work on a Young Republican Chapter. The age group is 18-40. Of particular note is that half of the registered Republicans in Lee County fall into that demographic. Calendine can be reached at 919-698-9968 or

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