Friday, June 27, 2008

Jail Inmate Death A Tragedy

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Sheriff Carter Pro-Active On Inmate Health Care

No matter what the circumstances, it is a tragedy when anyone dies. Everyone has family and friends who grieve their loss almost without regard to their religious faith. An in­mate at the Lee County Jail, Anthony Jabbar Fox, 35, of 309 Maple Ave, collapsed and died early Thursday morn­ing.

Sheriff Carter said officials don’t know a cause of death and that an autopsy was pending, but added that it appeared to result from some type of medi­cal condition. As the recent death of Tim Russett in an NBC studio showed, regardless of station in life or location, one can pass from this earth suddenly and without warning. The State Bureau of Investigation is investi­gating the circumstances surrounding Fox’s death, as is protocol anytime a jail inmate dies in cus­tody, and the public may learn more of the particulars of the death.

What Carter has done to improve the situation regarding the health care of inmates has received little attention. When he took office, medical assistance was being rendered by a health department nurse, medical costs for physician and hospital care of inmates were spiraling out of control, and the county government was solely liable for any negligence that might be claimed in today's world in which trial lawyers advertise for business.

After extensive research, he recommended, and the commissioners approved, outsourcing the management of inmate medical care--a growing trend in the state. Outsourcing makes
available personnel and procedures specialized for inmates and reduces the county's liability in the event of legal action. A contract for health care management by Southern Health Partners of Charlotte (click here to learn about the company) began June 1, 2007.

Sheriff Carter requsted 4 additional jailers from the county commissioners, but the current budget provides for 1.

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