Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Alienation Suit Involves Keller Family

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Some Used Suit To Threaten Tatum's Re-election

This should have been a good summer for Oscar Keller. He had been recognized with unanimous endorsement's with the naming of the the first phase of the U. S. 421 bypass. Instead he finds his grandson, Sherrill Normann, Jr dealing with the alleged infidelity of his wife Margaret Normann with former school superintendent James McCormick making what should be a sensitive personal matter TV news. Martial infidelity always hurts a lot of people, but the nature of this allegation must hurt and anger more because of its notoriety

By filing suit, Sherill Normann places the blame on James McCormick painting him as essentially a predator. He alleges that McCormick "used his position as Superintendent of Lee County Schools."

Now that was all that was needed for some Keller associates, who have a political interest in blaming the school board for the defeat of the sales tax and a personal dislike for Bill Tatum's style, to try to paint this marital issue as the fault of the Board of Education. Some others, most notably Jamie Kelly, are upset because Tatum, along with some school board members, have Republican commissioner Herb Hinck's bumper stickers on their cars.

Late last week calls started going out to school board members, other elected office holders, and some civic and community leaders with the message supposedly from "the Kellers." "This McCormick thing is getting ready to turn legal and very nasty and Bill Tatum is right in the middle of it. You better steer clear of Tatum and stay out of it." There is no doubt that part of this message was to shake the firm support he had from four members of the school board.

It is an interesting coincidence that the suit was filed in the early afternoon just before the swearing in of the school board and the election of chairman. As Tatum became aware of the circumstances and understanding the pressure the other members were under, he called his four supporters and released them from any commitments they may have made to support him given the new developments. He also communicated that he was not intimidated and would serve if elected. As it turned out, all remained committed.

Ironically, it may have been the handling of the "affair" that demonstrated to them that they needed to keep a strong leader. When a board is dealing with a standard superintendent's contract, it faces either a huge financial buyout or a long drawn out procedure for establishing misconduct and then still some buyout. On the advice of the school board legal counsel, the board had a policy of not acting on rumors. Tatum was strongly counseled by the board attorney to have evidence first. When questioned, Tatum confirmed that on June 24, 2008 he was presented with evidence for the first time. The next day all school board members were informed. By June 25, 2008 the school attorney had the Superintendent's resignation in hand with the only payout unused vacation pay as provided by law. Individuals with various political agenda's began leaking information--some false and some correct. By June 30 as soon as meeting notices could be met, the resignation was accepted and the Superintendent was gone.

Some were not and will not be satisfied with this course of action. They wanted an indictment and trial by the school board, but that was not in the interest of the students and schools, nor did it represent a way to protect the taxpayer. Others, perhaps with the possibility of an alienation of affection suit in the works, wanted the school board to delve into the details of "immoral conduct." No doubt the pressure to blame the school board for what is essentially a personal family matter will continue when depositions are taken. No matter who had been elected school board chairman, those with various agendas will be eagerly awaiting the depositions and testimony. They may find it as disappointing as last night's chairman's election outcome.

Don't miss today's other post. (click here)

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