Thursday, July 3, 2008

YR's, Dan Mansell Show Up to Greet Etheridge

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPLee's Young Republican's Make Presence Felt

When U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-Lillington) showed up at the Kangaroo gas station on South Horner Bou­levard Tuesday to announce that he had introduced a bill that would end excessive gas prices, Young Republicans were on hand to let people know Etheridge is not their only choice for Congress this year. Dan Mansell, a Selma Republican, seeking to unseat Etheridge was also on hand with Young Republicans lining the side walk holding Mansell signs. Jay Calendine, president of the YR's, said that his group looks for ways to show support for all Republican candidates.

Etheridge announced that he had introduced a bill to “
ensure that inves­tors are not artificially raising energy costs for their own gain while hard­working Americans are suffering.” Of course, hundreds of bills are introduced and most, like this, are for the purpose of generating press releases. The causes of the current price hikes in gasoline are complex and they show up in the financial markets where oil is traded. Blaming the financial markets is like blaming your bank because you don't have enough money in your checking account.

(For an easy to understand article on why it is our government policy that has produced this shortage of oil, click here.)

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