Monday, July 21, 2008

McCrory To Visit Sanford

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPUpdate: The turnout was good, the food great, and the candidate will be the next governor.

McCrory Fund Raiser Tomorrow Nigh

Mayor Pat McCrory, Republican candidate for Governor, will be the guest of honor at a reception at Chef Paul Restaurant from 6:00 to 7:30 pm . Hosts for the business/casual dress affair will be contributing $1000 per couple, while co-hosts contribute $500 per couple. Jennifer and Mike Stone are among the list of hosts for the event. Guests are $50 per person. McCrory previously attended a free pancake supper at the VFW in Sanford on June 30.

Although responses were requested by July 19, individuals wishing to attend may contact 704-554-5009 or Mike Stone to determine if space is still available. (It probably is!)

Recent polls have shown McCrory in a close race. According to a recent poll by the conservative Civitas Institute, Democratic nominee Beverly Perdue received 43 percent support, Republican Pat McCrory received 40 percent, and Libertarian Mike Munger received two percent. Fourteen percent were undecided.

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