Thursday, July 24, 2008

Steve Brewer Starts Re-Election Campaign

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
The "Brewer City Privilege Tax" Left Out of Blog Post

Councilman Steve Brewer has started a blog. He wrote his first post on July 16, but reportedly decided to officially “launch” it now. This is probably also his start to an election campaign.

In his last post (click here to read it) he shows a comparison of cities and their tax rate and gives a text-bookish explanation of why the rate varies. One factor he fails to mention is the business privilege tax. Based on his hard fought efforts to see that Sanford has the widely opposed tax, it could be expected that it would be at the center of his post. I suspect he hopes everyone else forgets it too.

It is good to see more bloggers in Lee County. He lists links to local blogs on his site but apparently doesn't know the e-Lee Dispatch is here. By the time the municipal election roles around, he will probably have noticed that it is.

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