Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lemmond Trys To Vote Both Ways

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPKeith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPSeeing Is Believing

The stories have circulated for years, "I have seen Jerry Lemmond" try to vote both ways on the same issue. At yesterday's commissioner's meeting that is exactly what he wanted to do, but he was stopped by his fellow comm missioners under a procedural rule.

A lady came before the commissioners seeking a refund because an error had been made in the appraisal of her home. Acting primarily on the advice of Dick Hoyle, board attorney, Lemmond voted "yes" with a 5-2 majority to deny her appeal of her 2007 tax payment. At the end of the meeting, Lemmond announced that he wanted to go back and change his vote to grant her appeal. This required a vote to reconsider the motion, but it failed by a vote of 4-3. This meant he could not technically change his vote--but he sure wanted too. Perhaps his felllow commissioners didn't want another "Jerry votes both ways" story floating. No matter - it is clear to all that in the end he had taken both sides on the issue.

There is a note of irony here. At the end of the meeting Commissioner Robert Reives created a stir when he moved to devote the meeting to the memory of former U. S. Senator Jesse Helms. By way of explanation he said, "At least when he (Helms) took a position he stood with his position which is more than some of you do." The stunned group unanimously approved the motion. It was almost immediately after that when Lemmond tried to change his position.

There is a reason Jerry Lemmond usually follows Robert Reives--he looks likes he knows what he is doing when he does.

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