Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Formal Complaint To Be Filed Today

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP Complaint to Local Board to Be Forwarded To State Board of Elections Editor's note: Readers may be interested in a new post (click here) "Rich Kid Syndrome"-From NY Times Magazine that is posted on our companion blog, The e-Lee Dispatch Plus, which contains information of interest and opinion. Also, our column appears in the Herald tomorrow and the The e-Lee Dispatch Plus on Thursday. A complaint is expected to be filed today with the Lee County Board of Elections alleging the commission of perjury and suborning perjury in the filing of false information relative to the now infamous red and white signs. Steven Thomas who signed the first form filed with the Board of Election almost immediately admitted that he had been asked to sign the form by "friends" and had done so without knowledge of its significance. He called Herb Hincks to apologize for signing the form. He has retained legal counsel and is unlikely to name those friends until called to testify before the state board. The form was obviously not completed by Thomas and was delivered to the local board by a yet to be identified woman on October 23. Someone connected with the completion of the form signed by Thomas had access to information about the purchase of the signs because the form was correct in all material ways with a subsequent form filed by James Kelly, a local commissioner known to be seeking the chairmanship of the county commission and with information provided by the Iowa printer that produced the signs. Only the date of purchase (10/13/08) was incorrect. Filing the form on October 23 was within the time period required by law. Based on the actual date of purchase, Kelly was nine days late in submitting the form to the local board of elections--something he has yet to explain. The target of the political message on the sign was Herb Hincks, a candidate for commissioner, who served previously as a bi-partisan board chairman for eight year. Since only Jerry Lemmond of the three democrat commissioners on the ticket is known to support Kelly for the chairmanship, he was likely the intended beneficiary of the sign. A copy of the complaint will be made available no later than tomorrow on this site.

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