Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Late Night Edition: Reives Hides From Reversals

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPDodges Blast on Proposed Agenda Change-Misses Vote on Lee County High School Editor's Note: A lot of meetings today, but phone calls from two sources have laid out the thinking behind the campaign to smear Herb Hincks and the Democrat's local strategy this year. That full subject tomorrow. We will fill in the details you may not be able to get from your local paper. (Click here to subscribe) I doubt Robert Reives ever has trouble getting "comp time" off from his $51,989.00 job as Division of Community Development Policy & Tech Services Section Chief in Raleigh. In fact, he could easily claim that he was giving Lee County technical services by the wisdom that the imparts during commission meetings. So there must of been other reasons for his unexplained absence from this afternoon's meeting of the commission. With speakers like Herb Hincks and Harry Undy to face the audience on the heels of a stinging editorial from the Sanford Herald Reives probably didn't want to have to withdraw his callous proposal himself. (See earlier post.) Instead, his loyal-to-the-end chair, Bob Brown, took the fall claiming it was really he that had come up from the idea in the first place and put it on the agenda. Yeah, the guy who said "Just Trust Us." And besides, I have never seen a commissioner who seemed to appreciate public comment more than Bob Brown. Or perhaps it was finally stepping out of the way of people who in his words knew "How we felt about W.B. Wicker" when the community it had served wanted it renovated and converted to an elementary school. Even though the commissioners are only placing needed band aids called "pods" on the problem at Lee Senior High, Reives has fought doing anything for the school since the issue arose. Perhaps this small step was too much for his ego. In Reives absence, Jerry Lemmond played it safe and voted with Jamie Kelly, grandson of Oscar Keller. That is usually a good place to be when you are the beneficiary of the Keller's one shot vote effort.

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