Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Health Department On LCHS Raises Warnings--Updated

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
"No Room or Building Needs To Be Closed Because of Health Hazards"
Editor's Note: Today a copy of the final report from the Lee County Health Department was finally obtained from the local Board of Education. Any one interested in the Lee County High School should review the report. Obtain a copy of the report from our download site by clicking here. The final report from the Lee County Health Department was received by the the Board of Education on September 29. A copy of the report was requested on September 30, but not received until further inquiry today. One conclusion one will quickly draw is that the $19,400 spent by the commissioners on a consultant to examine the school was a waste of time and money. Remember his conclusion on mold--" I looked for it but did not see any." Here are some quotes from the letter of transmittal:
  1. The inspections were conducted and reports made Lee County Environmental Health Specialists John Chance and Shannon Cagle. The purpose of these inspections was to identify health hazards, especially those associated with mold and indoor air quality.
  2. At the conclusion of the inspections, we did not find any room or building that needed to be closed because of health hazards. We did identify cleaning, landscape, and maintenance problems that are addressed in the reports.
  3. The report is in three parts. First, a summary of the final report, second, a priority list of problems that should be addressed first, and finally, a detailed report. All rooms, buildings and grounds on this campus were inspected with the exception of one room.
  4. All problems we have identified should be within the capabilities of current custodial staff and county maintenance. It will require many man hours that may exceed the current staffing levels and a good short- and long-term plan is needed.
  5. Cleaning up and getting rid of existing mold growth is a short-term fix and may only last until the next rain. Some mold spores are naturally found in the air. They can grow rapidly when moisture conditions are high enough.
  6. Controlling the humidity with dehumidifiers and keeping water out of the building is the long-term fix that includes landscaping issues, building repair, etc. (emphasis added by editor)
  7. The custodial staff should always be looking for mold growth, clean it up as soon as possible, and report it to the appropriate authority. The health department will monitor this school but it is now time to seek a long-term solution.
The report says that all problems identified in these inspections should be immediately addressed and corrected no later than January 5, 2009. A specialist from from the Division of Public Health, Occupational and Environmental Health Epidemiology Branch assisted with the evaluation and a report will be completed and sent later. Update: The Lee County School Board voted at its regular meeting tonight to request $37,164.74 from county commissioners to to hire Cary Reconstruction Company, Inc. (click to learn about the company) for the mold remediation at LCHS. The same company has previously removed mold from the County Administration Building. The decision to use an outside company was passed on a desire to complete the remediation much faster than could possibly be done with existing staff. The report had warned, "It will require many man hours that may exceed the current staffing levels". Use of the outside company would permit the work to be done exclusively at night when buildings are empty, and the clean up could be completed in three weeks. Commentary. Starting in February parents, students, teachers, and staff warned the commissioners of serious mold problems due to water problems at the school. Imagine the progress that could have been made if the commissioners had reacted with a request for this kind of report from the county's on Health Department. It shows the incompetence and ineffectiveness of this board. This report was actually requested, not by a commissioner, but by school board chairman Bill Tatum. Note:
  1. Find out what building the Board of Education wants to take down now and the commissioner's reaction tomorrow. Remember how close the election is and think "October Surprise."
  2. Don't forget the Uncommon Sense column in Wedesday's Sanford Hearld. Find out about the document commissioners never wanted you to see.

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