Monday, October 27, 2008

Kelly Coverup Clearly Planned

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP Matching Forms Give Scheme Away Editor's Note To get the most out of this article you will need to read what is called an Adobe or .pdf file that has both forms. If you need to download and install a free Adobe Reader, click here. There are clear indications that a conspiracy to distance Jamie Kelly from the now infamous red and white signs exists. This conclusion is based on comparing the information on both forms. A file containing both forms filed with the Board of Elections can downloaded here. (Click here) To save you some time, it boils down to how did Steve Thomas (or more likely whoever asked Steve Thomas to sign the form) manage to have all the correct information that varies in only one significant way from the form signed by Jamie Kelly--the date of the purchase. The other question for Kelly is why did he wait nine days late to file the form? Kelly only filed his form after the individual who signed the false form recanted his signing of the form. 1. The false form has the name and address of the vendor all the way down to the zip code. How did a farmer named Steve Thomas get all that correct information? The Kelly form, which you would expect to be more precise, has the same information but omits the zip code. 2. How did the Thomas form manage to have exactly the same amount as the Kelly form? ($2842.48) Remember it was the first form filed. 3. The Kelly form has office sought "commish" with the declaration marked oppose while the Thomas sign simply has "None". 4. Jamie Kelly listed the correct date of purchase of 9/15/08. The bogus form has the date of 10/13/08. Now this is the most significant difference in the two forms.
State elections law dictates that any election expense totaling more than $100 requires accompanying paperwork to be filed 30 days after the purchase (or 10 days before the election, whichever comes first).
According to the vendor and to Kelly's signed finance report, he made the purchase on Sept. 15 (and would have had to register by October 15.) Based on Kelly's admitted and correct purchase date he registered nine days late. Was it his plan not to ever file a form with the correct information? The purchase date on the bogus form of 10/13/2008 would mean the form would not have to be registered until October 24 which is 10 days before the election--the latest date it could be legally filed. One theory is that there was never any intention to complete the required forms and hide Kelly's involvement. Otherwise, why was Kelly nine days late in filing the required form? Likely the conspiracy was hatched after the e-Lee Dispatch disclosed who was behind the purchase of the signs. Not reported on the forms is that the signs were purchased under the simple name of Marcom and paid for by credit card. The sure-to-come subpoena will reveal who purchased the signs and if the signs were purchased with a corporate credit card. A late registration for such an expenditure as these signs would hardly interest the State Board of Elections. Perjury and the suborning of perjury is a different matter because the reporting system is based on the voluntary, truthful compliance of the public. There are two main factors that suggest the filing of the form by Thomas was part of a conspiracy:
  • How would Thomas manage to get the information?
  • Why didn't Jamie Kelly file the form in the first place on time?
Also, the Lee-Dispatch reported that there was a second unnamed individual in the Keller family who was involved in the plans for the sign purchase. How was that individual involved and was the individual involved in the plans for a cover up? (See Post) To date, the e-Lee Dispatch has not named that individual but may do so at the appropriate time. One observant reader found another difference in the forms. (See Comment)

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