Friday, October 10, 2008

Poliitcal Sign Vandalism Strikes All Sides

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP New Technique Ruins Signs-- Your Action Required A new technique in political sign vandalism is being reported by supporters of just about all candidates, and the vandals need to be caught and punished. Candidates are used to over zealous code enforcement personnel and DOT personnel removing the entire signs from right of ways where they feel the standard old political signs do not belong. The signs are picked up and can be used again another day. Not so with this new vandalism. First of all, the vandalism is occurring on private property as well as right of ways. That means the individuals can be charged with trespass. Even worse for the candidates, in this new wave of vandalism--the vandals are taking just the printed sign and leaving the metal or wood frame on which the sign is mounted. In effect making it impossible to use the corrugated paper or plastic sign again. These signs probably end up as trash in the woods littering the landscape. In some cases, an individual may have several signs but only one sign card is stolen. This probably means the vandals support one or more of the candidates but want to deny the individual their right of free speech and political expression. Most reports are coming from the city, but some have come from the county. Most every candidate in both parties is reporting this problem. This may be the work of gangs. If a sign is stolen from your yard notify the Sanford Police at 775-8268 or (Steve Brewer who has appointed himself city Ombudsman at 919-770-9587.) County residents should notify the sheriff's office at 718-4561. Also be vigilant and on the look out for these vandals. These are your rights and the more reports that are made, the more attention this will get from local law enforcement.

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