Thursday, October 30, 2008

On The Z-Pack

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP Feeling Bad, But Have To Give Out Kudo's to Police Chief's Media Diversion There was a busy week planned here, but computer technical problems, delayed postings of video sources, and a cold turning into bronchitis has slowed the progress. I wasn't going to have a post, but Sanford Police Chief Ronnie Yarborough's cunning inspired me to make an observation that I didn't want him to think I missed on a subject that was to have gotten more attention, and yet will, despite his cleverness. I was able give it the attention it deserved based on reporting by Gordon Anderson of the Sanford Herald. Unlike other blog posts, I was able to do it without the long hours of research and making videos that go into many blogs primarily because of Anderson's reporting. Suspects in Handcuffs Flee Police Car According to the Sanford Herald's lead crime reporter, Gordon Anderson, a suspect in a stabbing that happened outside a local bar and restaurant early Sunday morning escaped from police custody and remains at large. According to Anderson, Sgt. Harold Layton of the Sanford Police Department stated that the suspect was in the squad car and was handcuffed. Further information was not forthcoming. Sgt Layton also specified to Anderson that "Warrants have been drawn charging him with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury and resist, delay and obstruct." Of course the police department doesn't want to go into any details. The escape marks the second time since August that suspects have escaped the custody of Sanford police officers. As Anderson also reported "On Aug. 30, two teenagers suspected in an attempted break-in at a local pawn shop managed to escape the Sanford Police Department while they were wearing handcuffs. It took a month to get them back." The Herald's Anderson followed up with the reaction of council members to the escape. Steve Brewer, the owner of the bar where the Sunday altercation happened, reported to Anderson that these were isolated incidents . He stated, "Every situation is different, and the officer evaluates the situation and does what he thinks is the best for everyone there." To the e-Lee Dispatch, Brewer appears to be a perpetual apologist for the city administration and part of a council majority that minimizes any matters that might make the city look bad. On the other hand, Councilman Mike Stone, though not criticizing any particular police officer told Anderson that "a review of departmental policies might be in order." Although Stone told Anderson that the policies had worked well, a new problem exists and the policies need to be updated. Stone stated, "I think our chief has 35 years of experience, and I think he will address it with the city manager in an appropriate fashion." Meanwhile, out of the blue comes the news in another article from Anderson that the City police have arrested five people in the past week in connection with at least 47 vehicle break-ins in recent weeks. According to Anderson, four were arrested back on Oct. 22. In an unrelated case, officers charged 23-year-old Jimmy Ray Capps of 440 Bounty Lane on Oct. 21 with 26 counts of breaking into motor vehicles. Viola We Have a Headline So let's see as we add that up, the Sanford Herald's report listed five people totaling up to 47 break-ins. Now as we see it, it would be good time to release a story to the media although it is more or less about what happened nearly a week ago. That is smart public relations. Wait until you need to divert the attention of the public away from the fact that handcuffed criminals have been escaping from Sanford police, go back to arrests made over a week ago, total them up, and we have a headline in the Sanford Herald to take the attention from the issue of escapees in handcuffs in patrol cars. And it is back to business as usual. That dog isn't going to hunt this time, not with us. The public needs to know what steps have been taken to review the police procedures and what conclusions were reached. More later. PS Attention to all family members--be sure to observe all traffic laws. This sourcing for this blog concerning the Sanford Police Department was primarily from news stories written by the Sanford Herald's crime reporter Gordon Anderson. Since paid subscriptions are required to make permanent links to the story, it was necessary to use much of Anderson's work directly in the story. (Thanks Gordon) (Click here to subscribe) The commentary is provided by the e-Lee Dispatch. Meanwhile, I appreciated a particular comment on a recent blog very much. It was like taking two Tylenol. It answers the earlier comment and sums up what has really been going on and puts a lot of criticism from a lot of blogs in perspective, and I appreciate the support. (Click to read.) Editor's Note: See my wife's version of how intimidation felt when I was breaking a big story on the e-Lee Dispatch Plus. It is taken from an email to a friend. Also, take a momment to read the editor's comment which deals with the police shooting..

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