Monday, October 13, 2008

NRA Endorses Love In House Race

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Another Disappointment for Shook
The endorsement of Representative Jimmy Love is another set back to to Linda Shook's race for he District 51 House Seat. Love was given an A grade which according to the NRA means "Solidly pro-gun candidate. An “A” incumbent who has supported NRA positions on key votes." NRA members and many gun owners follow the National Rife Association recommendations. According to a recent poll conducted primarily for the governor's race, 74% of likely voters favor Jimmy Love. Of course, that is not all bad news for Shook. With that kind of lead, Love is not likely to get help from state democratic funds. Shook, who was assured of substantial help from the Republican Legislative Caucus when she was recruited for the office, is finding that their limited funds go to candidates with a chance of winning. She was strongly cautioned by several leading Republicans with long term experience not to expect the large influx of money from Raleigh, but she proceeded anyway. It might be said she was recruited under false pretense. Despite being warned by several party leaders she over-estimated her ability to compete for money in a Presidential election year with races for governor and US Senator. Shook has suffered several set backs. Her first set back was when most Republicans in the House joined with Love in voting for a "bipartisan" budget, robbing her of many issues. Then Love received praise from a leading Republican legislator for his work on Jessica's law. (See post) Then there was her bankruptcy. She blamed it on a political vendetta by Capital Bank because Oscar Keller is a stockholder. It was a story that played well to her hard core supporters and "Keller-haters" but was taken negatively because she did not take personal responsibility for her position and it failed to convince many others. She could have protected herself from much criticism by resigning from the Commissioner's Finance Committee, but saw no reason to do so. No criticism was heard more than staying on that committee. Other than Shook remaining on that committee, Love has not made significant efforts to exploit the bankruptcy. Perhaps he felt in these economic times too many other people were fighting bankruptcy and making major attacks on Shook about it was unwise. Her joint appearance with Elizabeth Dole got her a front page picture but little coverage of her own ideas. (see post) She was forced to use a letter to the editor to get that message out. Love has generally been low key, except for a sharp exchange at a recent forum. (See post) Editors Note: Copy of the full report on the Lee County High School inspection by the Health Department will be posted later today.

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