Wednesday, August 13, 2008

GOP Files Reports, Awaits Board of Election Action

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPGOP Officials Accept Responsibility
Editors Note: This is one of those blogs in which I am involved with the subject matter as well as reporting it. When the State Board of Elections opened this morning, the balance of reports that were past due were delivered. According to the a spokesman for the state board of elections, processing of the form requires 2-3 days before it appears within the system. Shortly, thereafter, Lee's GOP should be placed back in active status again. A penalty of $500 was waived for the Lee County GOP due to tardiness with a 2007 Mid-Year Status Report. The waiver letter stated that that the penalty for that failure to file in a timely manner would be $500 but would be waived one time during the 2006-2008 election cycle. The letter also states that the penalty waived would be added to next penalty assessed during the 2006-2008 election cycle. Each situation is individually assessed and the amount of any penalty has not been determined but is not likely to be less than the original $500 that was waived. As noted in an earlier post, the former treasurer Jim Pitts has now resigned. Charlie Parks, a retired flight controller supervisor, has been elected treasurer. Since he is also serving as the campaign treasurer for Linda Shook, he has completed all required training and has established a reputation for the meticulous manner in which he manages the campaign reporting process. In his new capacity he will also serve as a member of the executive committee. Keith Clark (yep, that's me) has also resigned as vice chair and spokesperson for the Lee County GOP. The resignation came following the executive committee meeting, and no replacement has been named. The resignation had been under consideration for some time. The designation as spokesman was a compromise attempt to allow Littiken to serve as chairman, but to reduce the sometimes ill considered remarks for which Littiken is noted. That was successful in regard to such things as letters to the editor, but difficult to accomplish when the media contacted him. The designation was also to permit me to speak on behalf of the party during the public comment section of commissioner's meeting. As the e-Lee Dispatch began to take on the format as as source of news and commentary, there was conflict in those two roles. Nevertheless, I was reluctant to break my commitment to the arrangements that had been made. Finally, I had agreed to monitor the administrative matters of the party to avoid its loss of recognition specifically by the state GOP and see that party affairs were conducted consistent with its plan of organization, and in general compensate for Littiken's lack of administrative skills. In this last respect, it is clear that I had relied on the treasurer to ensure that the reporting was done, and was not made aware that no reports had been filed, After learning that Littiken had been aware of the problem for some months and not communicated the problem to me, I determined that little was to be gained in offering my assistance. My time and efforts will be better directed at assisting candidates for office. I can assure Republicans, however, that there will be a properly called and conducted convention next spring in which those who wish to see Mr. Litiken replaced will have a properly conducted and orderly process to do so. However, only registered Republicans can participate in that process. Those interested in seeing a change of leadership in the party can best do so by maintaining their Republican registrations.

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