Thursday, August 7, 2008

Problems With Blogger-But Posts Available

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPIssues Arise At Ironic Time---- Having just written a column and a post about problems with the county's IT system, Blogger is having some minor problems. I recently started a second blog, E-Lee Dispatch Plus to provide a place for posting my column, personal comments, and supplementary information. You will see it's name to the left. It is supposed to be a link and to list the latest posts. I worked on it most of the day yesterday. I finally learned that Blogger is having trouble with the module that supports that. Update: Right now the module is working properly, but it was in and out all day yesterday--double irony! That all to give some of my readers a hoot. It was an all day project to try to fix but turns out to be their problem not my lack of effort. I could have worked around it so you would not have seen it, but all is fair in love and politics, and I love irony. Some folks who aren't always happy with my posts will get a good laugh I am sure. Blast away with your comments. To read yesterday's column from the newspaper on the web, click here. To read a blog post with my comments about the column, click here. Just to see how the development of E-Lee Dispatch Plus is coming, click here. Please remember none of your tax dollars were wasted! And when I couldn't get the job done, as was the case with a former county IT director, no one created a $74,290 overpaid make-work job for me. Reminder: On Thursday, August 7, 2008, the Lee County Board of Education will hold two community forums to gather input on the personality traits the next Superintendent of Lee County Schools should possess in order to be an effective educational leader for the district. At 4 pm, educators and staff of Lee County Schools are invited to meet with the board and its search process consultant, followed by a public input session at 5 pm. Both forums will take place at SanLee Middle School, located at 2309 Tramway Road, adjacent to Southern Lee High School. (Read more here) This is an important opportunity for our community. Take advantage of it. My suggested comment for that meeting is "A proven community leader with the demonstrated ability to develop the commitment of the community, students the school personnel that results in a new level of excellence in preparing students to deal with the rapid changes of the coming century." I still plan to attend. It is a well designed process and worth every penny. Today I will be working on tomorrow's post while Blogger gets its technical problem solved. PS Thanks for the high readership yesterday.

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