Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lemmond Missing Expo?

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPUpdate: There were no spottings of Jerry Lemmond at the Expo, one of the largest gatherings of the campaign season.
Jerry Lemmond Skipping Meet The Candidates Session
The En­richment Center’s Sixth Annual Boomer, Senior and Caregiver Expo opens Thursday at the Dennis Wicker Center. With more than 2,500 people expected to attend, Jerry Lemmond failed to sign up for a special session offered to candidates to meet with interested attendees and take their questions. Lemmond, who has the reputation of showing up anywhere 3 or more people gather in Lee County, may plan to be on the grounds, but he apparently did not want to take unmoderated questions in an informal session with voters. Commission candidates were offered 30 minute periods to sit down in a special section of the lobby to answer questions from attendees. According to event organizers, Lemmond did not respond. Since Robert Reives will be off drawing his public salary from the state somewhere in Raleigh, Lemmond would not be able to read the facial cues that Reives uses to tell Lemmond the position he is supposed to take on issues as was demonstrated at the last commissioners meeting. A number of people had especially planned questions for him. Here is the schedule for commission candidates: Harry Undy 10:00; Amy Dalrymple 10:30; Herb Hincks 11:00; Richard Hayes 11:30; Larry "Doc" Odom. 1:00. Candidates for other offices are scheduled at other times. Lemmond is not believed to be out of town drawing his $150 per diem at one of the many conferences at which he so dutifully represents our county. He may unavoidably be at a funeral for his wife's first cousin's next door neighbor's brother-in-law's husband. Of course he could be out driving around the county on his in-county travel allowance "checking rain damage." With the number of attendees expected he might try to get lost in the crowd--any thing but face the voters in a question answer session.

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