Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just A Few Sea Shells

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPEditor Rambling After Beach Trip
Editors Note: Last week was spent at the beach. The posts were scheduled automatically to keep things active. No computer access for a week! Coming home and catching up I have found some items that need some verification. I have also picked up some odds and ends of interest--kind of like picking up shells on the beach.
What A Difference A Day Makes
The first day of school is a day that one can always expect traffic jams, but the one created with the dual opening of Southern Lee High School and SanLee Middle School was apparently Raleigh-style grid lock. After having a chance to observe traffic patterns, Lee County Schools staff made some changes in the traffic pattern and Tuesday traffic moved as well as anyone can expect until NC DOT realizes the need for a stop light at Hickory House Road.
Commissioner's Meeting
So Jerry Lemmond voted both ways again. He changed his vote after getting a nasty look from Robert Reives. That happened back in July, too (See Previous Post). It doesn't matter much because it was a procedural vote to decide not to decide whether or not to allow attorneys to smoke in a back room in the courthouse. Ray Martin, the "expert" the commissioner's hired because they don't know what to do with the political mess they created over Lee County High School, is now going out to the court house to look the smoking situation over. This seems to be the commissioners new way of doing nothing productive while looking like they care.
Welcome To The Crumpton's
County Manager John Crumpton has finally been able to get his family relocated here to Lee County. With the housing market in the toilet selling his home, it was necessary for the board to extend his relocation allowance to accommodate his needs. Word is that his daughter is on the tennis team at Lee Senior High School. Since he chose to live in that attendance district, does he know something we don't?
Letter Wrong About Board of Education Votes
A recent letter to the editor published in the Herald suggested that the Board of Education had split into two blocks with most votes 4-2. That, it turns out, is not true. The Board voted 4-2 to elect Bill Tatum chair and Frank Thompson at its first meeting. Since then, every other vote has been a unanimous vote of 7-0.
Note: If you missed the Uncommon Sense Column in the Herald last week, you can read it by clicking here.

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