Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Littiken Says Problem To Be Resolved Today

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP Editor's note: I am Vice Chair of the Lee County GOP. I was unaware of the failure of Mr. Pitts to file the reports. Certainly, if I had been aware of the reporting problems they would have been resolved. Also, readers would have learned of the problem here before reading about them in the Herald. Members of the GOP executive committee are being polled to determine if a quorum can be available for a meeting this evening. Littiken has said the forms and fines will be taken to Raleigh today. Nevertheless, this is a sign of upheaval in the party. There will be additional posts updating with developments and reactions later today and following the meeting. To be sure you don't miss an important post, sign up to receive the e-Lee Dispatch by mail. When you sign up, you have the option to keep your email address private--this means that e-Lee Dispatch will not have your address. To learn more about email notification click here.

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