Monday, August 18, 2008

Report on Lee County High School Due Today

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP Will Report Prove To Be Embarrassing For Board? Editors Note: The commissioners now have the report on health and safety they paid Ray Martin $2000 a week and asked hundreds of hours from public employees will be released tomorrow. Hint: When asked for how he checked for mold, the project manager said he looked for it. Guess: How many more consultants did he recommend be hired? Wild Guess: What much will fixing repairs cost and how long will they take? The commissioners are going to be faced with to a dilemma --act pleased, treat the report as a the fulfillment of a great idea, and use it for making some momentous decision or realize that because they don't know what they have doing, they have placed more nails in coffin of those members facing reelection. To avoid the latter, they will have to act very disgruntled, ask a lot of hard questions, and Jerry Lemmond and Ed Paschal will have to make some quick overtures to end their stonewalling on the Hite Report. This is a big call for Robert Reives to make. For each of the next three days, there will be a series of posts that provide the analysis and insight about this report that will provide insight and information that you will not get any where else. Stay tuned. This is guaranteed to be worth it.

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