Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Highlights of Republican Situation

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOPWhat Is Important to Know Editors Note: As vice-chair of the Republican Party I am the designated spokesman for the local GOP. A more detailed statement will appear here and at the e-Lee Dispatch Plus at approximately noon today. This will allow the local Executive Committee to be notified of personnel changes and may provide greater clarification of the status of the local GOP.
  • This action has no direct effect on the campaigns of any local candidates. All local candidates have remained in complete compliance and can continue to accept contributions and to expend funds.
  • The first of the two late financial reports was filed yesterday. The second is expected to be filed by 10:00 am this morning. Once it is filed, the Board of Elections will advise the Lee County GOP of what further steps will be required to regain its certification.
  • Individuals who may have desired to give funds to the local GOP may make contributions to the Lee County Young Republicans which is in full compliance. All the contributions will go to support the Republican ticket.
  • The Party Treasurer will resign as soon as the final report is made and his replacement will be announced. Jim Pitts was unaware of and did not complete the training provided by the State Board of elections.
  • While a quorum was present for the Executive Committee meeting, not all members were present. They will be informed of the personnel changes in the committee prior to the noon announcement.
  • When all matters pertaining to the status of the Lee County GOP with the State Board of Elections have been completed, a statement will be forthcoming to the media. The Lee County GOP remains in full standing with the North Carolina Republican Party

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