Friday, August 15, 2008


Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP Democrats Have Their Turn Let's see. The Lee County Democrat Party filed its second quarter report on time. It was not a hard report to complete. It shows no contributions and $3.23 in expenditures. The Republicans turned their homework in late and the Democrats took an illegal contribution from an elected official. For their administrative errors, the Republicans will have spent a few days in political purgatory, most likely be fined, and gotten a wave of bad press. If anyone ought to know every nook and cranny of how to spend money politically, Jamie Kelly should. The "good ol' days" when his grandfather could just hand out the cash are supposedly gone. There are volumes of laws now. So Jamie's firm gets its money back and gets to keep the meals he thought he was buying. It doesn't sound quite equitable, but its the law. In the end, none of this will have much impact on the elections. In both parties most of the money is collected and spent by the campaigns of the individual candidates. By November voters will be deciding between candidates. It is reported that 1% of the voters provide 90% of the political contributions. Perhaps more of us should assume the financial responsibility of living in a democracy.

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