Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Wright and Wrong At The City Council Meeting"

Herald publisher Bill Horner III has posted his observations about a wacky night at City Hall, considering the Business Tax Repeal on his blog. It gives a great feel for the meeting as a sporting event--right down to the "Wrights and the Wrongs." (For those not close enough for the "inside" joke that would be Lora Wright who lost her race against Councilman Mike Stone 60-40%)

Like Bill I was confused by the public comments coming at the end of the meeting. Apparently this is the way things are usually done at the city council meetings. I thought that the intent of a motion by Charles Taylor to move the business tax was to move it to the end of the agenda so that the public comments could come before the business tax repeal vote. But the motion got interpreted as simply moving it to the bottom of the "business agenda" and still before the public comments.

The city council should make a permanent change in its agenda and place public comments before business items before so the public can be heard from before actions just as the county commissioners do. Imagine that--something positive to learn from our county commissioners!

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