Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Reives Rant Bothers Herald Reporter

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina GOP
Blogger Getting Under Reives' Skin--Guess Who?

Commissioner Robert Reives' attack on Commissioner John Quiggle wasn't the commissioner's only outburst at the the meeting on Monday. Commissioner Robert Reives went off on a rant about a “power-hungry, overweight, paparazzi wannabe” that wants to stir up controversy in this county.

Apparently, Sanford Heard reporter Johnathan Owens was concerned he might be the culprit but it turned out to be another blogger whose name was not disclosed. Owens gives an account of his reaction on his blog. You can read it here.

I saw my doctor this morning, and she confirmed what I already knew--I am overweight. I thought it might be me but paparazzi go after candid photographs and The E-Lee Dispatch deals with candid ideas. I will breathe easier.

If a child in kindergarten were having these kind of outbursts, the teachers would be calling the parents in to find out if something was bothering the child. Apparently the unnamed blogger is getting under Reives' skin.

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